Pinus edulis seed
The edible pine or Colorado pine (Pinus edulis) is a low tree. She has a hard, thick, very fragrant needles: dark green, shiny on top and blue-blue bottom.
Light brown, small (2.5-4 cm long), almost spherical cones contain surprisingly large (up to 1.5 cm long) oval wingless seeds with a pleasant buttery-sweet nucleolus. “Blooms” in late spring or early summer, cones ripen in the autumn of the next year.
Grows wildly in the Rocky mountains of the United States (States: Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, new Mexico, Texas, Arizona) and in the Mexican States: Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua. In Arizona forms pure or mixed with juniper woodlands at an altitude of 1500-2700 m above sea level.
In Europe since 1848. It was first introduced to Russia by the Nikitsky Botanical garden in 1909.
In the Crimea hardy and drought-resistant, abundantly fruiting, but full-grain seeds a little (from 2 to 10%). In addition to the Nikitsky garden is found in Yevpatoria and in the foothills of the Crimea (Simferopol forestry).