Acer Circinatum seed

This deciduous plant usually grows as a multi-stemmed shrub, sometimes reaching a height of 8 m, and sometimes as a small tree up to 12 m tall. Because of its ability to propagate vegetatively, this maple often forms dense thickets: if a branch touches the soil, it often takes root, forming a new plant. Root growth is also formed. Seeds of this maple propagate quite rarely. In open sunny places it grows straight, in the shade of other trees it bends to the ground. The thin branches have smooth bark of a light greenish to reddish color, often covered with a whitish coating and slightly sticky. Later, the bark turns brown.
The opposing leaves have petioles from 2.5 to 3.5 cm long. The leaf blade is simple, palmate, the number of blades is from 7 to 9, 3 to 12 cm wide and slightly heart-shaped at the base. The leaf edges are irregularly dupilcate. The underside of the leaves is pubescent along the entire plane, and on the light green upper side there are only hairs (trichomes) along the veins. The autumn color of the leaves in sunny places ranges from golden-yellow to bright carmine-red.
Blooms in April-May. At the ends of the branches stand in a bare inflorescence from 6 to 10, occasionally up to 20 flowers. The sepals are purple or red in color. The white petals are 0.6 to 1.2 cm wide and are smaller than the sepals.
Fruits of the curled maple
The fruits that ripen in autumn have the appearance of paired wings. The wings are connected to each other at an angle of about 180°. The wing, together with the nut, is about 2 cm long. Green at first, the fruits turn reddish-brown in autumn and are spread by the wind. The seeds germinate in the spring.
Requires warm stratification for 60-90 days, then cold stratification for 90 to 120 days