Vicia villosa seed

Sowing Spring / Summer: spring
Sowing Autumn / winter: autumn
Colors of flowers: purple
Height: 80 cm
Family: Fabacee
Exhibition (Exposure): sun
Common noun: hairy Vetch, Vetch of Russia, Vetch of Cerdanya, onguiculee Vetch, Wollypod Yetch, Hairy Yetch, Sand Yetch, Siberian Yetch
Anti-interference: new
Annual plant generally, being able to be biennial even semi-long-lasting.
His (Her, Its) root system, numerous pivots, has the capacity to favor the development of the biological activity, it has a restructuring action (share) on the ground, limited to the horizons of surface.
In resistant frost (freeze) installed (settled) time, the Hairy Vetch xerophilic is a fate (species) with autumnal seeding more or less.
The vetch is capable of dominating of very numerous new, it has the capacity to climb (soar) on the other plants, its competitiveness for the water and the nourishing elements and its capacity to secret allelopathic substances, the vetch is excellent year cleaning plant, capable of dominating most of the other plants.
Implanted before the cold season, she develops slowly in winter is ready to produce year important biomass from the first days of the spring. Very interesting biomass for the fixation of carbon, is also year excellent source of organic nitrogen. It is one of the most successful cover of plant for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
She has the capacity to develop on acid grounds, also tolerates basic grounds, and she is specially adapted to the light grounds, can grow on numerous types of grounds, provided that they are well drained. She does not support the clogging.
She shelters numerous arthropods of the ground and the predatory pests of insects, ladybirds, bugs as gold lacewings feed which we plant-eating insects (aphids, small caterpillars, thrips, leafhoppers, etc.).
Bee, the vetch is interesting for its long blooming, occurring in a period when the absence of flowers bees weakens.
It is a Vegetable, prostrate in semi – prostrate, herbaceous climbing and talkative, in branched out, bony (jagged) and relatively soft stalk. The seedling divided present, compound and pinnate (divided, made up and pinnate) sheets (leaves). His (her, its)
Two cotyledons are not visible, hypogeous seeding. Pods are dehiscent.
Not photosensitive, his (her, its) blooming is indefinite and can spread out over several months. In pure culture, its lianaissant port (bearing) makes that she (it) subsidies and does not exceed (overtake) 80 cms in 1 m of top, not lignified stalks, they can make until 4 m of length. His (her, its) sheets (leaves) are green to dark green at aim. They consist from 9 to 17 peers of oval, (opposed) opposite sepals. They end by spins (tendrils) from 2 to 3 branches, which allow him (her) to climb (soar) on any medium (medium) and which make that plants become muddled.
The plant can seem white and woolly because of the long hairs which recover her (it), in particular on the lower face of sheets (leaves) and we the stalks. She (it) trains (forms) inflorescences, 10 in 40 flowers, carried (worn) by peduncles leaving of the base (basis) of sheets (leaves). Flowers (forming) training has tube from 12 to 20 mm long and are of purple color with blue (bruise), sometimes white. The young inflorescence trains (forms) was butt (stick) on which the very hairy buds develop. It is a self-pollinating plant, pollinated by insects. Shape of the pods brown, flat, from 20 to 40 mm long for 7 in 10 mm wide, containing in 2 8 seeds of dark gray color to black. His(her,its) system root consists of a central pivot and horizontal roots on which development of numerous nodules. This system root little powerful and little dense made that the implementing remains superficial.
- variety
It is a excellent feed which allows to improve the operations of animals in a period of low (weak) availability in feed.
Hairy vetch – Vicia Villosa – Hairy Vetch – (fertilizer Green – Green Manure)
Category: Green manure, planting spring, planting fall, colors of the flowers, height, Antiparasite