Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Pyracantha crenatoserrata seed

It is a great medium – large sized evergreen shrub or climber with spiny branches that bare simple leathery dark green leaves. Ideal for a spot in the middle or back of the border, as part of an evergreen prickly hedge or trained as a climber up trellises, walls or other structures. It does well in well drained but moist sites in full sun, but is quite tolerant of other soil types, sites and moisture. It grows to around 4m (12′) high and across, though often stay far smaller and are easily pruned as a medium shrub. It produces corymbs of pretty small white flowers in Spring through to mid-Summer. Followed by bright Orange berries which last right through winter. The berries are bitter and inedible raw but can be made into jams, jellies, preserves and sauces. Long season of  interest, great for pollinators and birds!


Pyracantha crenatoserrata seed
