Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Indigofera amblyantha seed


Indigofera amblyantha seed














It is a deciduous, spreading shrub that typically grows in a rounded form to 4-6′ tall and as wide. It is perhaps best noted for producing a very long bloom (May to September) of attractive pale lilac to rose to pink pea-shaped flowers in narrow vertical racemes (2-5″ long) growing from the leaf axils.
Flowers are followed by dark purple seed pods. Each compound odd-pinnate leaf (4-6″ long) has 7-13 ovate gray-green leaflets (each to 1 1/4″ long).

Height: 4.00 to 6.00 feet
Spread: 4.00 to 6.00 feet


