Ashitaba seed Angelica keiskei seed

Ashitaba plant can be cooked like an Asian green Vegetables, eaten raw, juiced, smoothie or made into a tea.
This plant is native to Hachijojima Island in Japan. The nutritional and health benefits of this high chlorophyll plant are extensive and Ashitaba is unique among the Angelicas due to its tasty edibility and the presence of substantial levels of B12, a vitamin normally not found in terrestrial plants. The plant contains flavonoids known as “chalcones” in its yellow sap – it’s nothing short of an Elixir of life .
Ashitaba is one of the only plant that contains Vitamin B12.
Eat the fresh stems of the leaves and dry the leaves and make tea. It is called “tomorrow’s leaf” because when harvesting one leaf from the plant, you can expect to see a new one “tomorrow.”
Ashitaba is a frost tolerant hardy plant USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C (-30 °F)
The plant does indeed rejuvenate itself very quickly, in much the same way as it rejuvenates the human digestion and skin. The herb is considered effective in treating eczema and psoriasis, also disorders of the gastrointestinal system, hepatitis, cancer, anemia, chronic fatigue, etc. In-vivo tests of chalcones have shown strong antibiotic activity against staphylococcus. It is believed that these health benefits have attributed to the traditional long life expectancy of the people of Hachijo Jima.
Sowing Instructions
Ashitaba – medicinal plant
Family: Apiaceae
Genus: Angelica
Species: keiskei
In one year I tried all the germination methods found on the internet and they all led to the loss of seeds. So I tried my method that I want to share with you. All you need is peat, constant heat of 19-21 degrees and light. Place the peat in the box, water well and place the seeds on top. Then cover the seeds with very little peat. You can pass through a sieve a very thin layer of peat. Spray with water when you notice that the peat is drying. The seeds will germinate between 7-9 days. This also depends on the constant heat in the house. Do not cover the box with plastic or lid. This will lead to mold formation and rot. Don’t put the box on the radiator !! Leave them on a table or chair away from the radiator, but close to the window. Good luck with this wonderful plant.
Biennials – Plant is biennial but you keep its premature Flower stems removed, the plant can live up to 6 years!