Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Tilia platyphyllos seed

Tilia Platyphyllos – Large Leaved Lime, or Linden tree

Ornamental, good for carving. Not related to citrus fruits.
This wood is often used for turnery and carving due to its fine texture which does not warp. Soft light and white yellow.
The lime flowers attract bees and is a valuable food source to honeybees.
Can grow up to 50ft-80ft high and spreads 35-50ft.
Hardy and adapt to a variety of soils and conditions and have a very appealing form. Pyrimidal when young maturing to an upright symmetrical oval canopy with a straight truck.
Grows 13-24 inched a year.
Shade or sun
Little pruning needed.
Lovely lovely trees.



Tilia platyphyllos seed
