Wholesale Plant seeds,Alive roots,Medicinal herbs,medicinal materials.Mass production.

Cynodon dactylon seeds

Uses: herbs.
 Cynodon dactylon has been studied at the University of Allahabad in India, and is reported to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, and has been suggested for treatment of urinary tract infections, prostatitis, syphilis, and dysentery.Additional research is being conducted on C. dactylon involving its glycemic potential, which is involved in the treatment of diabetes. In laboratory rats treated with the ethanolic extract of defatted C. dactylon, hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic results were observed on the blood glucose levels of the tested population.Test populations showed nearly a 50% drop in blood glucose levels when the proper dosage was administered.This suggests the potential for Cynodon dactylon to become an alternative to current diabetes medications. Used in traditional cultures for toothache & amibiasis(dysentry)
